Chasewater Park, West Midlands

Know of any good venues for running our boats? Please share them here and give as many details as possible - launch arrangements/costs/restrictions etc.
Please use the location Name and County as the title of the post - thank you.

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Re: Chase Waterpark, West Midlands

Post by Simonp »

Great to see some movement on this. Is it normal form for the CMBA to hire water on this basis - I just don't know but it maybe the only way to get our boats on water. Thought we really wanted to be a 'guest'! Do we pay for water at Cardiff? As soon as you have to pay it starts the endless round of what is and isn't economic.

Last edited by Simonp on Sun Jun 21, 2009 10:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Simmonds fitted from new with what, I believe, is the only running factory marinised Daimler 2.5 litre V8 (as fitted to the Daimler SP 250) in the UK. Please let me know if you find another! Believed to be Norman Buckley's race boat.

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Re: Chase Waterpark, West Midlands

Post by Alacrity »

We don't pay at Cardiff & I am not sure we do at any other meet's either but others may beg to differ. This one seems a lot of money to me but I may be out of step. Healey75 please add your 10 penneth if you would.
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Re: Chase Waterpark, West Midlands

Post by twister »

My view is that anything like £500 for a day is way too much - if not enough bods show up because it's wet or windy or both the CMBA could be seriously out of pocket. Personally, I think £500 is too much even for a whole weekend.

What we need is to find a piece of water that we can lease somehow, or even buy ( :thumbsup: yeah, I know, dream on...). And then we can charge others £500 a day...if we want to!

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Re: Chase Waterpark, West Midlands

Post by Simonp »

My thoughts entirely!

Simmonds fitted from new with what, I believe, is the only running factory marinised Daimler 2.5 litre V8 (as fitted to the Daimler SP 250) in the UK. Please let me know if you find another! Believed to be Norman Buckley's race boat.

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Re: Chase Waterpark, West Midlands

Post by Rapier »

The satellite view of Chasewater looks very tasty due to it's size, pontoons and proximity to the rest of the UK. Anyone having dealings with them, on behalf of the CMBA, must tread lightly, as I suspect the £500 is an arbitary 'fee' to discourage undesirable people. It is one that I won't pay.

It would be better to lay the figures out that show absolutely the potential benefits to them, of the CMBA running a rally there, than risk losing a potentially viable lake because of a lack of focus.

Given that it's dead-centre for just about all 4 points of the country, one can see a potential turnout of greater than 35 boats + 2 to 3 crew each all requiring accommodation, food, showers, etc, etc. As they are gated and fenced, they could also charge members of the public to view us having fun for a few days, if they wished. As a money earner, an organised rally would far exceed the £500 fee requested....

As an aside, the same concept can be applied to any of the sailing clubs, hogging flooded quarries and reservoirs, who are suffering for lack of investment and declining memberships. They may not like the noise and smell, but if it allows them to maintain their existing infrastructure they'll likely put up with the inconvenience.
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Re: Chase Waterpark, West Midlands

Post by Tremlett 15 »

If it was a "full" rally ( no restrictions with boats on the water ) It would be an "easy" one for me ( part from to ferry cost ) & I would consider it but dont like the £ 500 fee on the club, this would mean a extra charge in the entry fee.

extra costs??
20 boats = £ 25
25 boats = £ 20
30 boats = £ 17
35 boats = £ 15
40 boats = £ 13

so I assume the club would have to do costing on a lesser number of boats to cover a low turn out.

BUT it is one location that I think the club should work on, best of luck to the guys working on it.

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Re: Chase Waterpark, West Midlands

Post by yogibear »

Tremlett 15 wrote:

extra costs??
20 boats = £ 25
25 boats = £ 20
30 boats = £ 17
35 boats = £ 15
40 boats = £ 13
Didn't we all pay £20 a day for three hours running at Stewartby recently. Surely with 20 boats and 10 allowed on the lake at any one time we'd all get three or fours running time on the day?

Don't know about the rest of you but three one hour sessions in one day is all my old body can take and, to be honest I doubt the Delta would last much longer than that without some manic spannering.....

What I'm saying is that if CMBA were in the position to run such an event at a cost of £25 for a shared lake for a day I'd be very interested in it.

I'd also be willing to send monies in advance to CMBA as a "paid in full booking fee" which may allow such an event to go ahead with no financial risk to CMBA based on non attendance.

As an aside, and from the classic car world, most of the clubs I attend shows with ask for show fees to be paid in advance as it covers the club against those fair weather only vehicle exhibitors.

Just my two penneth worth...

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Re: Chase Waterpark, West Midlands

Post by puddleduck »

Gentlemen, I'm very encouraged by the amount of interest in Chasewater, it has long been a venue that we all feel needs ressurecting from a powerboating perpective ( it was a popular racing circuit in the sixties). My feeling is, if you don't mind waitng a bit longer, let's have a proper discussion about it at Cardiff and look towards a formal approach to them as a fellow club. It may well be thay might consider some kind of affilliate memebership for CMBA members, or a more permanent arangement similar to Stewartby Water Sports Association.

Keep the ideas flowing and we can bring them up at the AGM.

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Re: Chase Waterpark, West Midlands

Post by Editor »

Hello, awkward S*d here again. Did this ever go anywhere? Or is it another case of lack of interest, vested "anti" interests, tree hugging fun police, Elfin Safety, greedy bas***ds?


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Re: Chase Waterpark, West Midlands

Post by Simonp »

I tried to contact them before Cardiff but the last I heard was that they were draining the lake to repair a dam or something but I didn't get a positive vibe before and think they will require a big fee - most places just don't seem to understand us at all - except the Yacht Clubs!

Midlands Waterski Centre near Tamworth want £650 plus VAT plus extra for safety boats , car parking etc etc etc - its £1200 +VAT for two days and its not a big lake and neither is Chasewater compared with Cardiff.

I understand there are changes at the Midland Powerboat Club at Bodymoor which could be promising.

Simmonds fitted from new with what, I believe, is the only running factory marinised Daimler 2.5 litre V8 (as fitted to the Daimler SP 250) in the UK. Please let me know if you find another! Believed to be Norman Buckley's race boat.

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