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Re: Shakespheare?

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 10:09 pm
by floater
Forgot to mention I spent a bit of time working out the screen shape using copious amounts of 3mm hardboard. I ended up with a screen slightly taller than an original which doesnt look quite so sleek but offers a bit more protection to my already knackered mug. I can send you a full size autocad file of what I ended up with if you send me a PM I also have an excel spreadsheet with the coordinates that you could map out onto hardboard for a tryout. The excel coordinates will need some tweeking as I used them as a basis and modified the shape on the firms CAD package.
I used 3mm tinted perspex for the finished screen there is a thread elsewhere on the forum where materials and methods were discussed, if I knew how to post a link I would

once again good luck!

Re: Shakespheare?

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 3:46 pm
by haventaclue
Thank you floater that looks a great job and thanks for the advice.We have started cutting and almost everything is out except some small bits of old fiberglass which we'll get to. The top cut was not made by me,it came that way.But that's no problem I hope.
Those photos are a great help,I was a little worried about how to make the strongest bond and must admit I didn't think about using two separate sheets.vertical and horizontal,that makes sense.
I was considering lexicon for the windscreen but if the perspex works I may consider that.I did see on an older post where lexion was used but where can I get a strip 10'6" x aprox 10"?
Oh I'll send a PM you if I can work out how, and I'll get a friend who is more computer literate than I decipher it.
Thanks again

Re: Shakespheare?

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 9:34 pm
by haventaclue
I decided to add a few more photos.

Re: Shakespheare?

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 9:38 pm
by haventaclue
A few more.
She's now the right way up so to fill out the transom corners

Re: Shakespheare?

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 10:14 pm
by haventaclue
The last lot

Re: Shakespheare?

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 10:41 pm
by floater
Good to see you are making progress, mine took 3 years and was only bought as a quick project :oops: like yours, new transom ,floor etc etc worth it now though :wot:

keep up the good work :thumbsup:

Re: Shakespheare?

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 12:43 am
by haventaclue
A bit more done.The crack in the PTT saddle needs a little bit of weld. My own saddle seems to be developing a crack along the same line for some reason. I'll make up my mind which to use when I'm ready to hang the Merc800 on the back :juggle: ........Whenever that'll be :D

Re: Shakespheare?

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 10:14 am
by floater
Steady progress keep it up. Not sure you noticed but you started this thread on March 31st 2010 saying "two year project" mine was just the same, bought as a quick project that ended up taking three years+ extra trying to sort the motor out.
Keep going, it'll all pay off in the end.

Odd crack in the trim pivot, i'll have to examine mine now.

Re: Shakespheare?

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 2:11 pm
by haventaclue
Thank you for the encouragement :thumbsup: .As long as the budget doesn't overrun to the same scale. :)
The crack in the pic. is the result of over enthusiastic use of a lump hammer by the look of it,not me and nor the Gentleman you I got it off.
But it did cause me to look at the saddle on the Merc800 on NO-KIT.Just a line,but not opened,but it's there.
I totally rebuilt the obsession with only about fifty hours since the rebuild,will transfer her to the Shakespeare when it's ready,so I hope not to lose too much time there...hopefully.
Any luck on the trim rams and pump on ebay?

Re: Shakespheare?

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 2:44 pm
by sean-nós
looking good :thumbsup: Have I got that part in my junk pile :hmmm: