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Post by Baloo »

Hello al
Been involved in boats all my life in one way or another.

This is recent restore and I am dammed if I can get it identified. No ID plates etc...
Trying to identify for few years and not getting anywhere really. Few similar suggestions but yet to get there. :juggle:

Only thing I have to go in is a Thomas faul steering wheel. Seems he was a boat builder/designer or maybe I got that wrong.... I've seen similar style boats like fletcher srrow etc but I'm not seeing anything that I could say its a definate

pics of boat. Annoying me not knowing

Hopefully I'm not in wrong section apologies I'f I am.

Tremlett it was sold as so kept the name
want to get her label right.

P.S. I hope I'm not in wrong place or breaking rules.

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Re: Indetity

Post by Rapier »

Abbate perhaps?
Fasten bra straps and remove dentures...

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