CMBA at Ivy Lake Autumn 2022 CANCELLED

Detailed contact information and arrangements for these events will be available to CMBA Members only in the CMBA Clubhouse section.

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CMBA at Ivy Lake Autumn 2022 CANCELLED

Post by floater »

I have been in touch with Chichester water-ski club regarding our planned meeting on November 6th. Unfortunately following a blistering summer they have fallen victim to blue green algae and have had to close the lake to all activities. Their first responsibility is of course to their paying membership, so in order to compensate them for their lost time on the water the water-ski club committee have decided to extend their season beyond the traditional end of October. This of course means that our slot, on the first weekend in November will no longer be available for us. The Water-ski club are continuing to monitor the water quality but it is likely that the algae situation will continue long enough to prevent us being able to hold a viable meeting.

We have no choice therefore than to cancel the meet this year and hope that we will be able to return next year.

In the past we have held a meeting at Ivy lake at on the last weekend in March before their water-ski season starts. This one always struggled with entry numbers so was consequently dropped, but if there is enough interest following this years Autumn cancellation I will talk to Chichester water-ski club to see if they would be agreeable to reinstating it in 2023.

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