11/21 June LA SPEZIA - ” MARINERIA FAIR” runabouts, sailing boats, rowing boats, all types of maxi-yachts, Naval school ships
Meeting for all traditional boats classic and antique
’ASDEC will be at the meeting during the first weekend, from June 12 to June 15.
“Il Mare e la Tradizione” “The sea and traditions”
This festival will take place in the gulf of Spezia that stretches from Lerici to Portofino, also known as the “Poets’ Gulf” because it has always been a favourite place of poets and writers. The town of Spezia will be turned into a “Naval Fair” hosting a series of events organised by the various associations.
A fishing village will miraculously come to life depicting the lifestyle and the craftsmanship as it used to be in everyday life, painters will be painting, there will be photographs and handmade models of boats, an antique fair, regattas and competitions. The Italian navy will be celebrating its 150th anniversary and will be allowing visitors aboard the aircraft carrier Garibaldi and the submarines in the harbour, During the festivities 60 men in the original uniform of the troupes of the Duke of Savoia will be on parade around the town.
Meeting for antique motorboats
The 16 th edition of this meeting with the patronage of ASDEC will take place in the pretty little town of Peschiera del Garda. As usual, the whole event will be organised by the Garda Yacht Club and will include a mixed programme of spectacular exhibitions, wonderful trips around the lake and unforgettable evenings. This year’s meeting will bring together two separate meetings: the antique boat meeting and the 12th Riva Boat Meeting in a special cocktail party.
26/28 July LUGANO – LAKE LUGANO runabouts
Meeting for antique motorboats
Lake Lugano also known as Lake Ceresio, is an unusual shaped alpine lake set on the border between Italy and Switzerland. Apart from the Cosmopolitan town of Lugano, the rest of the lake maintains is picturesque antique villages and uncontaminated nature. Our nautical friends of Lugano will guide us around this quite alpine lake.
6-12 JULY ANZIO - ROME Half Ton Class sailing boats
1st Half Ton Classic Championship
Organised by the Italian Half Ton Class, ASDEC, the Sez.Sport. Centro Sud and the Rome Sailing Club, this first ever Championship will see the glorious “Half Tonnes” meeting their matches in the ASDEC Trophy and the Challenge Half Ton Classic Trophy set against the splendid scenery of the Gulf of Anzio. Anzio is one of the prettiest seaside towns along the Tyrrhenian Coast, situated at approximately 60 kms from Rome, it has succeeded in maintaining its historical and artistic heritage.
28-29 July ALGHERO - SARDINIA Arpège sailing boats
1st ASDEC Trophy for antique Arpège
The "Mitico Arpege", Association in collaboration with ASDEC, will be organising the first Sardinian meeting for Arpège. Boats. There will be two separate regattas: the third edition of the Tyrrhenian Cup for Arpèges and for the very first time, the ASDEC trophy for wooden Arpèges.
4/5/6 September BELLAGIO – LAKE COMO sailing boats
Antique sailing boats regatta
The 8th edition of the “Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni Trophy” will be celebrated during the first weekend of September.
As usual, the regatta will be brilliantly organised by the Pescallo Sailing Club, with the collaboration of ASDEC. The regatta is open to antique sailing boats built in wood before 31/12/1980; classic and traditional sailing boats in wood or fibreglass that either for design or construction or material hold a special interest for nautical traditions for example: Stars, Solings, etc.
The 5.5 S.I. class will be part of a separate regatta.
4/6 September LAKE GARDA - “ Brescia Motors Week” - II edition
Mixed meeting for historical vehicles motorboats/cars/motorbikes/airplanes/go karts
100 years later, together with our classic vehicles, we’ll take a walk down memory lane through the same towns and places, just like in the old days.
10/13 September ONEGLIA/IMPERIA - motor yachts
Meeting for antique motor yachts
Organised by the 'Assonautica Provinciale of Imperia and with the patronage of ASDEC, this appointment comes around once every two years, now in its 5th edition it brings together some of the most prestigious antique and classic motor yachts from all over the Mediterranean. The boats will be moored in the picturesque fishing village of Imperia that will be turned into an open air party for the whole duration of the event.